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The Collection of Diving Equipment of the Croatian Maritime Museum in Split shows the development of diving, i.e. diving equipment from the oldest preserved museum examples to modern diving sets.

The classic (heavy) diving suit produced by the Pirelli Company from Italy in the first half of the 20th century, the classic (heavy) diver's helmet and the single-cylinder manual diving pump for the air supply of a heavy diver from the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century stand out as the oldest and most valuable items in the Collection.

In addition, the lead weight of a classic diving suit, commando diving equipment from the Second World War, a portable telescopic hyperbaric chamber, diving bottles, a closed-circuit diving apparatus and many other pieces of equipment are all part of the Collection.

Part of more modern diving equipment in the Collection are valuable pieces of diving equipment produced in the "Đuro Đaković" factory from Slavonski Brod, and the Museum also keeps two underwater rifles intended for underwater fishing.


Collection Manager: Branka Teklić, senior curator


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